Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why would they do such a thing?!!

I can't believe it and am still in shock! What is going on? Is Kevin Lowe on crack? Did Ryan Smyth commit secret heinous crimes for which he was traded? Is there anything left that's good in the world? What has this world come to?

Monday, February 26, 2007

Drumroll please . . .

So, the much anticipated moment has arrived. That's right, the B_ick has a new name. I'm actually pretty proud of myself, though not all of you will fully understand why (sorry to those of you who aren't in the loop). I am sorry to say that none of your suggestions actually were chosen, though they came very, very close. He was really close to being called Charlton or more affectionately Carlton. BUT . . .

His new name is Rigobert (probably Bert for short).

There are several reasons why:

1) Camp has a neighbour whose name is Rolf and is a very dear friend to camp (he's a workhorse and super friendly). I counselled his son (whose name is not Rigobert) on Adventure camp. He borrowed climbing equipment from his father and on the back of his helmet were the initials RRA. So, naturally, Courtney and I wanted to know what Rolf's middle name was. That's right, you got it . . . it's Rigobert -- so his name is Rudolph Rigobert Amann (don't tell him I told you). So, Courtney and I wanted to name a path or road or something Rigobert after him as we're pretty fond of him. That hasn't come to fruition as of yet, and I feel that the B_ick would suit that name. And, I feel that the B_ick's super friendly and, if you forget his periodic breakdowns, he could be considered a workhorse.

2)There's a soccer player from Cameroon named Rigobert Song who has played in 3 World Cups and is the most capped player in Cameroon history (don't even ask me what capped means, because I have not clue, but it sounds impressive). Well, do I need to go any farther . . . you all know that I love soccer!

3)Lastly, there was a Saint Rigobert who was a Benedictine monk. He became an archbishop but was persecuted and sent into exile. When he returned from exile someone else had been appointed to his position. So, to prevent scandal and dissention among the faithful, he didn't try to reclaim his bishopric. How humble (just like the B_ick) -- just does his work without any need for recognition. Saint Rigobert spent the rest of his days as a hermit and was noted for his patience and as a miracle worker. There is no subtle hint here that the B_ick is about to go into retirement (I'm pretty dependent on him), though when I do get a new car, he will be retired lovingly. However, he patiently waits for me to remember to check his oil, change filters, replace wipers, give him a bath, and while awaiting these things, he performs the miracle of working every day!

There, that is why he will now be called Rigobert, aka. Bert.

Also, I have a few pics from this weekend's trip to Lake Louise:

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Name that car

So, I've been told that I need to name my car. I have felt this need before, but have never really been able to come up with one that I think really fits. The only name that I've sort of been calling my car is Napoleon. However, I have never really been able to accept it as fitting. It's just not right So, here's the challenge: help me name my car.

I don't have a digital camera, so unfortunately I can't just go outside and take a picture of my car to post on my blog. I did find a similar Buick Skyhawk on the net and copied the pictures. And, I have a pic from when my car was hit by some jerk in Calgary and dented the front (which is still dented by the way) and gave me a flat tire.

So, here's some random info about it: it's an '87 two-tone blue Buick Skyhawk, the rear label of Buick now reads B_ick, the paint is wearing off on the hood, the automatic doors are fickle and only work sometimes and only on some of the doors, I have had it for 2 1/2 years now, it's gutless, purrs pretty loudly (though not from an ineffective muffler), and it is a boy. Since I am a girl, my car must be a boy -- that's just how it works. Therfore the name must be a boy's name.

Okay, here's some photos to give you a mental image:

Monday, February 19, 2007

On Mennonites

So, I recently have come across a number of people who are unfamiliar with Mennonite things and have, incorrectly, called me Mennonite. I have been blessed with a connection with a Mennonite church, Mennonite camp and many Mennonite(ish) friends. Through them, I have learned to love and cherish Mennonitisms.

There are many fun expressions that come with them, "Cheap like borscht" being one of them. I had another, but it just slipped away right as I was going to type it. Oh well.

I found some sites with Menno jokes that I figured would be interesting. I've selected a few for if you're too lazy to go to the sites:

Q. What is a Mennonite ethical dilemna? A. Free dance lessons.

Q. Why don't Mennonite women wear sleeveless dresses? A. They aren't allowed to bare arms

Q. How do you know Adam was a Mennonite? A. Who else could stand beside a naked woman and be tempted by a fruit?

Q. Why do Mennonites never make love standing up? A. It might lead to dancing.

Anyways, I really just wanted to share the Mennonite love around because they are near and dear to my heart. And, I visited (what I consider the Mennonite capital) Steinbach, MB this Christmas to attend the wedding of my friend Heidi, from whom I heard many, many Mennonite jokes. It was quite the excitement in my life. Please don't comment on how boring my life must be if Steinbach brought so much excitement.

Friday, February 16, 2007

help me out here

So, I need some help. The leader, the fearless Michael Bryant, of the outdoor leadership program that I was in last year is having a little contest. It is to come up with the best caption for this picture. Now, I know it's a little blurry, but the point is, it's a zip-line picture, where the kid is going to smoke the ground pretty nastily. Anyway, I figured I have some pretty creative friends and they might have some sweet ideas.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


They may take our lives . . . but they will never take our freedom! That's how I'm feeling about University right now. It's been a busy first month and a half (I know, I'm out of practice), but I made it through and reading week is almost upon me -- hooray for freedom!

Anyways, here's what I've been thinking about:

I've been fondly remembering my last year in LDP at Medeba and all of our cool adventures. Mostly I've been eyeing my Grand Canyon picture and longing for a re-visit. Every time I see it I'm just astounded by God's creativity and design. Because though the Grand Canyon seems so intricate to me . . . I have to remember that there are so many more intricate and complex things he has made. And, if I am so awed and wondered at some of God's creation, how can I not be awed and wondered by all of it? What is wrong with me? Anyways, here's a poem that I wrote as we were driving away from the Canyon:

Have you ever seen it?
Have you marvelled at its greatness?
Have you wondered at how it was made?
Have you ever seen it?

Its depth is unfathomable.
Its peaks are wonderfully immense.
Its expanse is awesomely vast.
Its beauty is infinite and insurpassable.

Have you thought of its maker?
Have you marvelled at His power?
Have you wondered at His creativity?
Have you thought of its maker?

His depth is unfathomable.
His power is wonderfully immense.
His creation is awesomely vast.
His beauty if infinite and insurpassable.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

So, I don't really like myspace. It wasn't quite what I was looking for. Henceforth, blogspot.