Monday, April 2, 2007


So, the dreaded time has come . . . I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled! That's what the dentist told me today and from the look of the x-rays, he's got a point (one is pretty much growing sideways into my back molar). I LOVE my life (imagine great sarcasm here).

I know, I know, lots of other people have already had their wisdom teeth out and they're going to tell me to 'suck it up princess'. But, I thought I was going to get away scott free on this one. On the one side of my mouth the teeth are coming in just fine (really slow, but fine nonetheless). It's the other side that I can't see that's the problem.

Oh well, such is life. On the plus side, the knee is definitely improving. I can walk without a limp now. Tried a little jog to the car -- that's not so much happening. Going up and down stairs has improved in speed and degree of pain, and there's definitely increased flexibility. Please Lord, I just want to play soccer and go climbing -- that's all I really want!!

I've resorted to swimming!! Gaa!! For those of you who really know me . . . . swimming is far from a favourite activity, let alone one that I excel at. But, it's the only way I can get any exercise. Even then, I swim at a diagonal across my lane because the one leg is really just moving up and down (not actually a kicking motion) -- it's kind of a lopsided effort. I feel kind of dumb and as if the lifeguard wants to tell me that I need to kick my left leg more. I see them looking at me and I know they want to tell me . . .

Anyways, I'm rambling. School's almost over!!!! 4 more days of classes for me -- 2 more papers and two final exams.

Until next time, keep fit and have fun!


luKe said...

i had my wisdom teeth removed and two cavities done at the same time...good times that was

Unknown said...

YES! joanne mcloud!! i want to know where she gets her tracksuits!

hey, maybe your wisdom tooth surgery will end up being like big sweat and i was eating christmas dinner three days after they got yanked!

Andrea said...

I didn't mind getting mine out, but the 3 hour ride home from Calgary sucked. The part I loved was having an excuse to eat tons of pudding, jello, and ice cream! Really "milk" that part of the entire experience!